Squidoo Web Companions

Websites and Blogs with Companion Squidoo Lenses

Essentials for sales on your Squidoo lens or Website #1

Making sales on your Squidoo commerce lens or website is virtually the same process as any salesman, any brand building advertising, any relationship.  Having had all too many years being trained and re-trained in this field, I’d like to share these elements with you, one at a time, to give you a look at the essentials.

Many successful pages do these things, perhaps intuitively, but if you can’t intuit your selling approach, take a look and see if you can improve elements of your page.

The first essential is ALWAYS to establish your credibility with your visitor.

Without taking up huge amounts of space, you can create a credibility builder default bio as an overall feature of your Squidoo lenscrafting, or an ‘about me’ page on your website.

Secondly, on a Squidoo page, you get the specific bio that does not need to be the default bio, and if you have pages on many topics, I suggest you use this space to increase your credibility on the topic.

You can create a Squidoo lens about you, about you and your specific niche, a SquidWho lens, or a lensography that addresses your niche credibility as you display your specific lenses.

How do you approach the topic of credibility?

Ask yourself questions.  Why am I interested in this, how is it that I know something others don’t?  If I saw a biography like this, would I feel more comfortable, more welcome, more likely to be in good hands?

This can be done with good humor, you can share your excitement or successful use of your product, or an established history.

Credibility is also a form of ‘authority’ which all webmasters and Squidoo lensmasters have a need to develop with Google, digg and other forms of social marketing.  Authority or credibility will help your page survive the test of time, will help you achieve over other competitors, and help you to build your online business one visitor at a time.

One comment on “Essentials for sales on your Squidoo lens or Website #1

  1. PotPieGirl
    June 26, 2008

    Margaret – Great Post!

    “Build your online business one visitor at a time”

    … perfectly said!


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